Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ahhh! A Relaxing Weekend with the Hardy's

This weekend the Hardy's; Trey, Stacy, Jenna, Leah & Luke came down for the weekend. It was a very relaxing weekend even with all 11 of us at the house. With 5 girls and 2 boys, Jake and Luke were the token "Boy Bookends", and all the girls had a great time playing together. From the beginning the Hardy girls paired off with the twins, Jenna with Katie and Leah with Maggie. Of course the two little ones were a GREAT pair. Actually two peas in a pod, need I say more. Morgan had a blast swimming and playing with Jenna and Jake just kinda hung around happy as always! And of course there's Luke! Actually you would have never known he was here. He is THE best baby I have ever seen. I was hoping they would forget him, and the joke actually came up, but they didn't:(
It was a great weekend for all, but we are definitely getting OLDER!!

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