Friday, August 14, 2009

A Sisters Love

So, everyone knows that we have a pool and that we love to swim. We also love when people come over and swim and play.

Wellllll, this story has made me cry over the past 2 days because it was so scary but also so inspired(this word changes from emotion to emotion) with my kids.

Yesterday, while having a swim date with friends, we were all getting out to get ready; swim lotion, towels, BACKPACKS, and needless to say the craziness of getting 7 kids ready to SAFELY swim can be a challenge. My routine is to make sure the twins are ready first. I want their backpacks on so they can jump in and not wait. Well 2 minutes into getting in, Maggie and a Friend had the same backpack on and the friend decided to take hers off. I recognized this right away but noticed that it was the friend who had taken it off. At the same time, I see Morgans green bathing suit on the little slide we have in the shallow end. ( I don't register that it's Maggie) The fact that I can see the green means she doesn't have her backpack on. I turn around, put the towels on the table and turn back to take my normal post as lifeguard. Only than I think that Morgan is pushing Maggie under the water. Sometimes when the kids try to pull the babies to the side they inadvertently pull them under.

WELLL, this is the scary party, I don't think! Something in my body made me jump in! If you know me I don't panic around pools. I wait, assess and see if the kids can really get there on their own. I want kids to feel they can do this and not be afraid. Anyway, when I get there I realize that Morgan is not pulling her down SHE IS TRYING TO SAVE HER. Remember the green bathing suit wasn't Momo after all, it was MAGGIE. Morgan saw her head under water and jumping in to SAVE HER SISTER. Morgan couldn't stay afloat herself but was gonna go down trying.

This all happened in a matter of seconds, but in those seconds I realized how much I do love my kids, how wild Maggie really is and how special Morgan is to our family. Morgan doesn't realize how important what she did was.
A sisters love.

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