Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School! YEAH!

Today was Jake and Mo's first day back to school. Two down... Two to go ( in four years!)
Jacob was up and ready, dressed with bed made by 6:30. We didn't have to wake him up. He is soo excited to go back to be with friends and his new teacher. Mr. S. is a young guy who seems pretty cool and Jake is excited to have a man teacher. Of course I use man as a loose term because Mr. S. was in 2nd grade, the same as Jake is now, when Glenn and I were in College!!! YIKES, We're now the old parents in the school. He was very helpful in preparing his little sis on the in's and out's of being a kindergartner.
Mo on the other hand wasn't so ready. Glenn and I went to wake her up at 6:45 and she was whining that she was still tired, cold and any other excuse she could use to get out of bed. Her teacher, Mrs. Christensen, gave her students "Jitter Glitter" to put under their bed the night before school starts. Mo was supposed to put it under her bed to help her sleep. We asked her about the jitter glitter and she just moaned, " IT DIDN'T WORK!!!!" Good thing her daddy was here to help motivate her out of bed. She came downstairs not dressed and still cranky. But she did perk up after a few minutes of getting sleep out her eyes and put on her purple shirt and skirt, ( oh and the bra under her shirt to support, I guess!)
She moved slowly, but without complaints to the car and cautiously walked into the school once we got there. But of course we are now 3 1/2 hours into the first day and we haven't had a call from the school yet, so I think she'll do fine.
Both Mom and Dad are proud of both the kiddos and we are excited to see what this year will bring. Cross your fingers for us!

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