Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today I am waiting in the car contemplating the idea that I gave birth to a monkey and Maggie was switched with my human child due to the fact that she is literally swinging from seat to seat waiting for "JAcub and Moran" to walk to the car from after school. So, Everyday as soon as the Jake and Mo climb into the car after school, I bombard them with the days questions of how everything went. Last week I had given Morgan the lunch money to give to the lunch lady that was for both her and her brother. Mo got it because she goes to lunch first and the lady can split the check between their two accounts. ANYWAY, I confirm that she remembered to give her the check and she was excited to report that she had because she went and got some milk and ICE CREAM for lunch, this went along with her sack lunch. I say oh goodie that was a treat. WELL here's the ism.... Morgan replies," yeah I didn't have time to eat the ice cream, so I put it in my lunch box."
I try really hard not to scream but all I can think about is how dumb I was to buy her a $25.oo monogrammed lunch box that wasn't gonna make it past day 5! I had prepared my self for the lunch box to get lost but not death by ice cream. She is such a CARTER or is that the PEARCE side, really its a toss up!

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