Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bayou Wildlife Park

Well, yesterday we took our zoo to the Bayou Wildlife Park in Dickinson, Tx. This is a neat little place that has alot of exotic animals that the kids can see up close and personal, our own little safari here in Texas. When you first enter, they give you buckets of "finger food". They're called this because they tell you not to feed out of your hand because little fingers look just like the food. Anyway, these LARGE emus and ostrich and wildebeast ( who knows what these mix animals really were) come right up to your car and if you roll down your window you can feed them right there.

Carter Crazy Zoo Gang off on a Tram!

So we decide to take the tram to go and see all the animals they have on sight. SOUNDS FUN!! We all take out places and than we're off!! So one would think that our own personal little monkey would feel right at home amongst the wildebeast and lemurs, RIGHT! Think again, I have never seen Maggie sit so still for 30 minutes in my entire life. She sat right in the middle of the tram and didn't move!

Maggie Feeling Right at Home in THE MIDDLE!

Mean while Katie would have been happy if she could have lived with these crazy zonkey and camels for the rest of her life. All we saw all day from here were TEETH!!

Katie Feeding a Camel

All the kids had fun even though it was a hot day. We love to do stuff with Dad and it's extra special when he gets to come along.

Katie and her baby.

Jake feeding the animals on the tram

Momo and Katie petting the baby goats.


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