Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Butterfly Museum

Gorgeous Momo
Sweet Maggie

Beautiful Katie

Jake pointing at a butterfly

Houston Butterfly Museum
Today we went to the Houston Natural Science Museum to visit the butterfly gardens. All the kids had a good time and we took Mawmaw with us to help with the girls. We saw the dinosaurs and an exhibit about energy as well. This was our first trip into the butterfly section and it was amazing to see all the different bugs flying around. They would even land on you it you sat still enough. Of course on this little excursion, Maggie did NOT sit still. Good thing I had Mawmaw with me because Maggie ran through each exhibit like a speeding bullet and Katie pretty much found something she liked and sat there.. forever!!
The butterflies kinda freaked out Mo. She loved to look at all their pretty colors and different shapes but wasn't too keen on their fly by's close to her face. And it was really interesting to see Jake grow up right in front of us. We don't have to tour him around anymore, he can read very well and is very capable of playing with all the exhibits without instruction:) Where's my baby going!!
It was the longest fast paced 2 hours of my entire life. Margarita anyone?

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