Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Butterfly Museum

Gorgeous Momo
Sweet Maggie

Beautiful Katie

Jake pointing at a butterfly

Houston Butterfly Museum
Today we went to the Houston Natural Science Museum to visit the butterfly gardens. All the kids had a good time and we took Mawmaw with us to help with the girls. We saw the dinosaurs and an exhibit about energy as well. This was our first trip into the butterfly section and it was amazing to see all the different bugs flying around. They would even land on you it you sat still enough. Of course on this little excursion, Maggie did NOT sit still. Good thing I had Mawmaw with me because Maggie ran through each exhibit like a speeding bullet and Katie pretty much found something she liked and sat there.. forever!!
The butterflies kinda freaked out Mo. She loved to look at all their pretty colors and different shapes but wasn't too keen on their fly by's close to her face. And it was really interesting to see Jake grow up right in front of us. We don't have to tour him around anymore, he can read very well and is very capable of playing with all the exhibits without instruction:) Where's my baby going!!
It was the longest fast paced 2 hours of my entire life. Margarita anyone?

SOOO... all went quiet .. than...

When all gets quiet in the crazy world of Carter's Chaos, you never know what you'll find. The girls decided to freshen up a big before breakfast!

Got Baby Powder?
Yeah.. And?

Powder me up baby!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bayou Wildlife Park

Well, yesterday we took our zoo to the Bayou Wildlife Park in Dickinson, Tx. This is a neat little place that has alot of exotic animals that the kids can see up close and personal, our own little safari here in Texas. When you first enter, they give you buckets of "finger food". They're called this because they tell you not to feed out of your hand because little fingers look just like the food. Anyway, these LARGE emus and ostrich and wildebeast ( who knows what these mix animals really were) come right up to your car and if you roll down your window you can feed them right there.

Carter Crazy Zoo Gang off on a Tram!

So we decide to take the tram to go and see all the animals they have on sight. SOUNDS FUN!! We all take out places and than we're off!! So one would think that our own personal little monkey would feel right at home amongst the wildebeast and lemurs, RIGHT! Think again, I have never seen Maggie sit so still for 30 minutes in my entire life. She sat right in the middle of the tram and didn't move!

Maggie Feeling Right at Home in THE MIDDLE!

Mean while Katie would have been happy if she could have lived with these crazy zonkey and camels for the rest of her life. All we saw all day from here were TEETH!!

Katie Feeding a Camel

All the kids had fun even though it was a hot day. We love to do stuff with Dad and it's extra special when he gets to come along.

Katie and her baby.

Jake feeding the animals on the tram

Momo and Katie petting the baby goats.


Friday, September 4, 2009

help me! help me!

Well, you can't tell by this picture but Katie is actually HUGE compared to Maggie. She outweighs her by about 2-3 lbs. and definitely is thicker almost everywhere.

Today the girls were playing in their room and I could hear a tiny little voice through the monitor, "help me, help me". Of course I sprint at my normal turtle pace to see what is going on and I find Katie asking help from Maggie to pull her into the crib. Maggie and Katie had thrown all the toys in the bed and of course monkey girl was playing happily inside the bed while "the thicker one" was calling for help because she couldn't climb up on her own.

Definitely two different eggs!!!


O.K. I am not liking all of this growing up business!
Morgan not only is in KINDERGARTEN....AHHHHHHH!!!!!
But now she has her first zit!!!!!!!!!!
STOP GROWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today I am waiting in the car contemplating the idea that I gave birth to a monkey and Maggie was switched with my human child due to the fact that she is literally swinging from seat to seat waiting for "JAcub and Moran" to walk to the car from after school. So, Everyday as soon as the Jake and Mo climb into the car after school, I bombard them with the days questions of how everything went. Last week I had given Morgan the lunch money to give to the lunch lady that was for both her and her brother. Mo got it because she goes to lunch first and the lady can split the check between their two accounts. ANYWAY, I confirm that she remembered to give her the check and she was excited to report that she had because she went and got some milk and ICE CREAM for lunch, this went along with her sack lunch. I say oh goodie that was a treat. WELL here's the ism.... Morgan replies," yeah I didn't have time to eat the ice cream, so I put it in my lunch box."
I try really hard not to scream but all I can think about is how dumb I was to buy her a $25.oo monogrammed lunch box that wasn't gonna make it past day 5! I had prepared my self for the lunch box to get lost but not death by ice cream. She is such a CARTER or is that the PEARCE side, really its a toss up!